This was my Bachelor’s thesis at Seoul National University. I’ve implemented a 2D fluid simulation using the methods described in Fluid Simulation for Computer Graphics by Robert Bridson. Throughout this project I’ve learned lots of things including fluid simulation, numerical computation, SIMD acceleration, and general C++ programming.
Github Link with more info: https://github.com/lasagnaphil/fluid-sim
Thesis (PDF, Korean): https://github.com/lasagnaphil/fluid-sim/raw/master/paper/paper.pdf

This was my final Graphics Project in 2018. I built a CPU-based multithreaded raytracer using the Rust programming language, with features such as reflection, refraction, phong illumination, OBJ mesh loading, texture mapping, normal mapping, and supersampling.
Github Link: https://github.com/lasagnaphil/rusty-tracer
Report (PDF, in Korean): https://github.com/lasagnaphil/rusty-tracer/raw/master/hw5.pdf